- 歌 song
- 最近 recently; lately; of late
- 更新 renew; replace; renovate; up ...
- 最近更新 latest articles
- 最近更新时间 date last updated
- 最近更改 last-modified
- 好歌 flying without wings; j157
- 好歌集 sacd
- 首好歌 god is a girl
- 问好歌 hello hello how are you
- 最近 1.(近来) recently; lately; of late 最近一期的《中国画报》 the current issue of china pictorial; 我最近很忙。 i've been very busy recently.2.(距离最近的) nearest3.(最近的将来) in the near future; soon 她最近就要出国。 she'll be going abroad soon. 几条新路线正在修建,最近就要完成了。several new lines are being built now and will be completed in the near future
- 好歌典范 excellence
- 好歌推荐 music recommendation
- 经典好歌 be my love
- 一首好歌 becuase of you; un break my heart
- 更新 renew; replace; renovate; update; renewal; angenesis; restoration; regeneration; kainogenesis; turnover 设备更新 renewal of equipment; 产品更新换代 replace the older generations of products by new ones; 更新知识 renew one's knowledge; 万象更新。 everything takes on a new look
- 路上听的好歌 road songs
- 好歌绝不拿出来 be my lover
- 近来, 最近 lately
- 近来,最近 of late
- 目前,最近 currently
- 现在;最近 currently
- 重新, 最近 newly
- 最近,近来 recently
- 最近,不久 in the near future